Logo for: Boys & Girls Club of Meriden
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Supporting Our Community for a Brighter Future

The Boys & Girls Club of Meriden has the distinct honor of being the fourth club founded in the United States more than 130 years ago. Since its founding, our Club has continuously helped Meriden’s under-served, at-risk, majority minority population. We take pride in this legacy to this day as we seek to enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens.

The Facts:

Average Yearly Income for Family of FourYearly Median Income for a Family of Four

  • $59,039 United States
  • $80,800 Connecticut
  • $53,401 Meriden
  • $25,000 Boys & Girls Club of Meriden Families


Child Care Costs for MembersYearly Childcare Costs

On average, 28% of caregivers' income goes to childcare.

  • In-home Childcare:  $31,625
  • Day Care Center:  $11,456
  • Child Care in CT:  $19,521
  • Our members pay on average $0.17 per hour


What We Do With Your Support

What We Do With Your Support

  • Help keep 1,500 kids off the street after school and on non-school days
  • Prepare and serve 10,000 lunches and dinners to members throughout the school year
  • Offset fees so that 500 kids can participate in sports programs
  • Keep membership costs to a minimum so that all kids can join

Why It Matters Now More than Ever

  • The State of Connecticut has slashed funding to us by $1 million over the last seven years
  • Operational costs continue to rise
  • The Club serves more children every year

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