Calling all Girls Inc. of Meriden and Boys & Girls Club of Meriden members, family, alums, board, and supporters. We are uniting to lighten up your news feed and bringing the community together through a TikTok challenge! Are you up for it? If the answer is yes then get your family together or showcase your own skills by showing us how you are fighting boredom and keeping busy during isolation, be creative!
Prizes will be awarded for:
- Best Overall
- Most Likes
- Most Creative
- Funniest
- Honorable Mention
Not to mention bragging rights to the winners.
Here is how to participate:
- Upload your TikTok video in the comments of any Facebook post from the Boys & Girls Club for this challenge
- Tag Girls Inc. of Meriden and The Boys & Girls Club of Meriden
- Use the hashtag #GI_BGC_ofMeridenTikTokChallange
- Follow Girls Inc. of Meriden and The Boys & Girls Club of Meriden Facebook page
- No more than two submissions per family
- Content of video must be family friendly with no foul language